Marketing Trends

Navigating a New Normal…LOL

Do we really need to begin an article with another paragraph about how COVID has changed how we do business?

Jokes aside, we actually do, because what’s happening now, will only tell what the future holds for many industries.

An often less explored element of our new “normal” has been COVID’s impact on marketing. To that end, we’ve created a two-part mini-series, 9 Ways Covid-19 Has Changed Sales and Marketing. This article will dive into the first four.

Let’s go.

1. Shifting to Digital Everything

Let’s start with the obvious — things are getting way digital. Where a personal touch was once valued, we’re now avoiding touching anything and will likely continue to avoid personal contact for the foreseeable future.

As a result, when it comes to both sales and marketing, companies are making the obvious move to invest heavily in digital resources for consumers, as well as digital interface between consumers and sales. As marketing gurus, we always knew tech was important, but COIVD has given us the opportunity to narrow down the digital tech deemed essential. Zoom, for example, was a platform many of us used sparingly on the 30-minute trial basis and probably took for granted – but not anymore. Instead, COVID has opened our eyes to the huge role tech plays in this industry and what’s really working and what was an undelivered tech promise. Much like the practicality of remote work, it’s unclear how much of this will remain after COVID is under control, but digital everything is part of our DNA now whether we like it or not.

2. Reinforcing the Importance of Relationships

Just because many businesses are focusing on an accelerated shift towards digital resources, it doesn’t mean that we want our customers interfacing with some robot workforce.

In fact, it’s quite the opposite.

When it comes to what we value during times like these, businesses lean into their relationships to get them through, and we know that customers do the same. Trusting the solutions/products they utilize is what they rely on most during touch-and-go times. This is where personalization, interactive content, and omnichannel campaigns can come in to save the day. It’s all about putting a heavy emphasis on relationships – even from afar.

3. Moving Towards Remote Selling

There’s no more perfect intersection of points one and two than a shift towards remote selling. Remote selling relies on digital to get the job done, while making sure we don’t lose sight of the personal connectedness that allows us to make the sale.

This will lead many of us to overhaul our idea of sales, focusing on an almost entirely digital platform, at least for the time being. This means a focus on hard and soft digital skills, as well as defining new standardized systems and protocols that can be scaled up for the long term. With pressures high, it’s important we all put our thinking caps on, put the client first, and not push our agendas on them. After all, you’re selling motive is to help clients to succeed.

4. Switching to Virtual Events and Conferences

Noting back to Zoom, at this point it’s almost impossible to say you haven’t participated in some sort of online meeting or conference. That has definitely become part of the new normal and may continue in the future as a more cost-effective alternative.

We’ve already seen well attended webinars, but this mass beta test we’re collectively participating in is unprecedented and will result in the accelerated adaptation of these types of events — and their scale — going forward.

Stay tuned for the second installment of this series dropping next week, where we get into five more ways in which COVID is changing the sales and marketing world as we know it. In the meantime, contact us to learn more or checkout StrataBytes for more great marketing content.

How COVID-19 Has Brought New Life to a Long-lost Tactic

We spend a lot of time thinking about the landscape of marketing, what the future holds and how we can be early adapters today. Perhaps one of the most interesting — and strangely divisive — ways our physical and digital worlds intersect is through the humble QR code.

The Creation of the QR code

A little history: QR (quick response) codes were invented by Japanese firm Densa Wave in the mid-nineties as a more functional alternative to barcodes. From there, the decision was made to make the technology public, recognizing their potential.

So, what happened?

The Flop

Initially, they were a victim of their time. Despite the obvious utility, the technology just wasn’t there when it came to the rudimentary smartphones of the 2010s (think about it – it wasn’t that long ago that we were terrified of accidently hitting the internet button on our phones). Slow mobile internet speeds and a lack of integrated software made their use difficult. So, like many other truly advanced technologies, QR codes went unappreciated (except in certain factory settings) and faded into obscurity despite all their potential.

A Pandemic and a Renewed Interest

Until recently, it seemed as if that’s where the story of the QR would end — a substitute for the barcode we use occasionally at Whole Foods. But as anyone who’s left their house in the last six months can confirm, something strange is happening to QR codes.

They’re suddenly everywhere.

From touchless payment to restaurant menus, the QR code (now with sufficient integrated technology in every smartphone to support it) has made a major resurgence in a time where we’re afraid to touch anything.

The Future of QR Codes

To paraphrase, a recent article from (you can read it here) aptly describes QR codes as “a solution in search of a problem” — and it’s probably safe to say that a pandemic certainly qualifies as a “problem”. But, just like the creator of the QR code all the way back in 1994, we’re finally seeing the full potential, particularly in the world of digital wallets and touchless payment.

One of the main ways QR codes will continue to be an integral part of our day-to-day going forward is through the “pay by app” model of business where many individual merchants and most major chains have their own apps allowing QR code-based payments.

If that’s not a glow-up for the QR code, we don’t know what is.

QR Codes in Marketing

The rebirth of the QR code comes with the promise of exciting new ways to continue using the technology. By now, most marketers recognize the renewed potential of QR codes, even in a post-COVID future.

For us at Strata, the use of QR codes is the continuation of a trend we’ve recognized for some time, only having been accelerated — not created — by the pandemic. We’ve been generating and incorporating QR codes into our marketing campaigns as we’ve kept a finger on the pulse of marketing technology. They’re a great way to merge print and digital, and we’ve used them in our direct and dimensional mailers, as well as other collateral like brochures and business cards. So, while it’s been a long-time coming, it’s finally safe to say that the possibilities for QR codes are truly endless.

Are you interested in working with a guiding hand that can help you incorporate QR codes into your marketing materials? Contact us to get started.

Omnichannel Campaigns + Interactive Content

While reading has its benefits, I’m sure we can all admit that it’s easy to get bored and distracted when you’re just passively skimming something. And sure, “content is king”, but everyone is publishing content these days, so how exactly can you stand out in a sea of blogs titled “The Best Blah Blah Blah” and keep readers engaged? Interactive content!

If you’re unfamiliar with the concept, interactive content is exactly what it sounds like – it’s any form of content that can be interacted with by a website visitor or user. Think quizzes, calculators, and infographics – they’re all types of interactive content. And, creating these unique experiences can give you the opportunity to convey your value to your audience and encourage more engagement.

A Rundown on Interactive Content

Since we all seem to have the attention span of a squirrel these days, interactive content is the superhero here to save the day. What makes the concept even better, is that you can take any approach you want with it. The options are truly endless, but to put a picture to the face, here’s a rundown:

  • Quizzes offer a unique opportunity to both educate and engage your audience while giving you valuable data in return. Whether you do a career quiz, personality quiz, or a brain health assessment quiz, your audience will be much more intrigued and you’ll be able to grab info without even asking for it.
  • No matter if your audience is looking to buy, save, or reach a goal, calculators offer a helping hand and ensure trust when it comes to a final decision that needs to be made.
  • Infographics give you the ability to provide key data and stats in a digestible, meaningful way. At the end of the day, who wants to read a whitepaper when you can look at a pretty picture.

Finding the Time & Place

While there are numerous benefits that come with interactive content, it’s important to not overkill your platforms with it. There’s a time and place for it and finding that happy medium will benefit you more in the long run. Here are a few tips and tricks to consider when incorporating interactive content into your strategy.

  1. Figure out what your interactive content goal is. Do you want higher engagement rates, looking to capture more relevant data, or increase brand loyalty?
  2. Narrow down which style of interactive content will give the best results and help you reach your goals.
  3. Decide where your content will be distributed. Will you get the most engagement from emails, landing pages, digital ads, etc.?
  4. Execute your interactive content strategy and modify it as you see fit.

Duo of The Year

Aside from all the points made earlier, there’s still one key component of interactive content that will maximize ROI and user experience in the long run – omnichannel marketing. To put it simply, an omnichannel marketing campaign has one goal in mind — constant contact and engagement with your targets and reaching customers in ways they want to be engaged. Now tie the concept of interactive content and omnichannel marketing together, and you have the perfect combo! Imagine all the opportunities that can come along with these two very customizable concepts.

Looking into The Future

With things like VR, AR, and many other futuristic concepts progressing rapidly, one can only imagine where we’ll be in the next 5 to 10 years when we interact with our audience from afar. Already, 70% of marketers are creating more interactive content today compared to a year ago and 90% of consumers agreed they wanted to see more interactive content in their communications. It’s exciting to see how much it’s already evolved and we can’t wait to see where it will go.

Are you finding yourself as intrigued as we are and looking to incorporate interactive content in your next omnichannel campaign? Contact us today and learn more about our capabilities.

Executing Your ABM Strategy

Innovation: It’s crucial in the world of business. At Strata, we follow this motto very closely and history has shown that innovation in one area can churn to great success in other areas.

But that means as marketers, we need to always be on top of our game when it comes to new trends in the land of marketing. What’s working? What’s not? What can actually cut through all of the noise?

Enter virtual reality – or as the cool kids call it, VR.

What is VR?

There are endless options of MarCom tools available to us, but one tool we’ve really seen evolve in the last few years is virtual reality. Even the name sounds like something you want to Google, doesn’t it? While this technology isn’t exactly going to transport you to a literal virtual reality, the visual concept can surely do the trick if it’s incorporated into a marketing campaign. Here’s how it works.

Virtual reality is basically a “near-reality” or a type of reality emulation. To put that simply, using a special headset or gloves fitted with sensors, a person can use sight and sound to transport themselves into a computer-generated, life-like environment.

Opportunity Awaits

So, here we are. It’s 2020, we’re in a global pandemic, and businesses have been forced to operate from home. Things like in-person meetings, tradeshows, and direct outreach are all up in the air. As a result, we’re all taking a dive into the innovation pond and scrambling for marketing alternatives that can supplement human interaction and reach people at the right time.

Can VR be that alternative we’re looking for while we’re all away from each other? If you ask us, the answer is yes, but it needs to be done correctly and be part of a larger omnichannel campaign.

How It Can be Used

With VR, you’re “there” without actually having to be “there”. It gives you the ability to visually send a message to your audience without having to be with them. So, while the true human interaction is still absent, this is a great alternative that will get you “in front” of your audience before the competition. Do you see my point?

But how do you actually provide this VR experience to your audience? Here’s our solution. Approach the idea as part of a larger omnichannel campaign that can start with digital ads and email. Then you can include a low-cost cardboard VR viewer inside of a high-impact dimensional mailer. It’ll have the ability to cut through all of the digital noise we’ve been experiencing lately, provide a hyper-personalized experience, and give that much desired human interaction that we’re all craving. Image how you would feel if you received that type of package – wow!  

But here’s the thing. These types of campaigns aren’t always the cheapest. If this is the road you want to go down, make sure that you truly think about your audience, qualify them, and target only your top prospects and clients. This way, your ROI can justify the high price of a VR dimensional mail campaign.

Looking to the Future

When it comes to marketing, the name of the game is innovation and evolution. Unprecedented times call for new, outside of the box tactics. What might seem like a wild idea now (VR) may be the norm in the future – and in our opinion it’s always better to be a trailblazer than a crowd follower. That’s when you really make an impact with audiences.

If VR – or any other outside of the box tactic – is on your mind, and you’re looking for a way to incorporate it into your next omnichannel campaign, contact us to learn more.

Choosing the Right MarTech for Your Needs

Jetpacks, hoverboards, androids — for many of us, the future is defined by technology.

Fantasy aside, the future of marketing is also defined by technological advancements, and with today’s MarTech, the future of marketing looks pretty interesting.

Today’s MarTech has almost limitless capabilities. From managing content assets and social media to in-office solutions streamlining team workflow, MarTech has a place in every business.

A Burgeoning Industry

MarTech is simply any form of software used by marketers to perform tasks like organizing marketing campaigns, reaching out to customers, and posting to social media sites.

As an industry, MarTech has been experiencing a major boom over the last decade. In 2011, there were less than 200 businesses defining themselves as being focused on MarTech. Today, there are thousands, all constantly evolving to meet marketers’ demands with smart solutions.

These solutions expand into all facets of marketing, for example:

    • CRM and MRM software
    • Chatbots and AI to interface with customers
    • Automation of social media posts

Much like apps for your phone (and some MarTech solutions are apps for your phone), if there’s a possible need, there is more than likely a MarTech solution to meet it.

How to Choose

Regardless of your industry, there are two major forms of MarTech: point and suite. Point solutions focus on one specific marketing task, like managing contacts. Suite solutions focus on large goals involving multiple marketing tasks, like managing contacts, organizing them into segments, and reaching out with pre-determined correspondence.

It’s important not to go all out with MarTech suites just for the sake of having options. Although plenty of MarTech offerings, like the social media manager Hootsuite, for example, are relatively inexpensive, other options (particularly custom MarTech solutions) can come with high price tags. In short, be sure to purchase by necessity and purpose.

Don’t fall into the trap of purchasing MarTech solutions simply because they’re considered “industry standard” or used by your competitors. There’s nothing wrong with looking to others to inform your decision, but MarTech is not the place to play “keeping up with the Joneses”.

When to Explore New Options

MarTech should be a tool you use to streamline, operationalize and be efficient. By doing so, it creates more options and opportunities to market at-scale, and not force you into playing to limitations. When evaluating or reevaluating your available MarTech solutions, consider the following:

  • Are your MarTech solutions scalable?
  • Can you adapt your MarTech solutions to changing goals?
  • Are your MarTech solutions comparable to new technologies?

If you answered no to any of these, it’s likely your MarTech solutions have become obsolete.

The Era of (Mar)Tech

The future is defined by technology, and MarTech is the future of marketing. If you’re not already embracing MarTech and adapting these varied and customizable solutions to your business, you’re living in the past.

Remember, explore your options and be critical of them. Make sure that your MarTech can adapt to you and evolve as you do. After all, the ability to pivot is essential to the future of marketing. Your MarTech should reflect that.

Looking to upgrade your MarTech? Contact us to see how we can help.

Dissecting Data to Anticipate Marketing Trends

Data drives everything.

Whether you’re looking internally into your best practices and evaluating production cost/benefit, or looking externally to segmented messaging and customer acquisition, we are always sifting through data in order to gauge results, successes, and shortcomings.

In our current era of marketing, we have more data than ever to inform our business decisions.

Marketers as Data Scientists

There are two types of marketers: those who eagerly follow trends and those who anticipate them.

While simply keeping your finger on the pulse of the marketing world is a strategy that will yield consistent results, the true leaders of the industry have made it a habit to predict where marketing is heading, recognizing the future, and being at the forefront.

It may seem like sorcery to some, but the reality is that recognizing a diverse field of data points and subsequent careful market analysis can predict trends and position smart marketers for future success.

In line with all of this, the best marketers think of themselves not only as salespeople, but as data scientists, analyzing and understanding complex data to predict market trends.

Insight and Data Collection

Determining where to find this data is more than half of the battle.

Earlier in the series, we discussed the importance of going straight to the source and getting as much data from our customers (and potential customers) as possible. In the digital world, there are endless ways to collect this data, including:

  • Google Analytics
  • Cookies and Web Beacons
  • Social Media
  • Email Tracking
  • App Usage
  • Data Mining Companies

Whether you choose to acquire the data yourself or hire data companies to do it for you, the raw data is at your fingertips.

Make Your Data Useful

Large databases seem attractive — the more the merrier — but the reality is, unless they’re curated by trusted sources and expertly maintained, a big database can equal a big mess.

The solution to a major technical headache lies in prevention: it’s essential to make sure that the data you have is as far from corrupted as possible. Major sources of data corruption can be anything from improper formatting to old data.

Remember: always use trusted services for data acquisition and consider investing in data management software to mitigate human error in data handling.

Keep Data Up to Date

The market is evolving and customers are evolving with it. For the first time, we can track our customers in real time and evolve with them too.

It should go without saying that maintaining current data is crucial to ensuring your company is able to anticipate market trends and the needs of customers. Not only does up to date data inform more strategically sound campaigns, it also works to give your business the agility to make changes in messaging and customer approach on the fly.

Current data gives marketers the ability to double down on successful marketing efforts proving their return or cut their losses when a campaign has proven to yield weaker ROI than they had hoped for.

Use It

We’ve touched on using data to predict marketing trends and how marketers should think of themselves as data scientists, but it’s also important to remember that when push comes to shove, sales is still at the heart of what we do.

Data needs to be utilized effectively to be worth the effort it takes to harvest and process it, and that utilization goes far beyond market speculation. Data allows us to launch campaigns with more precise levels of customer targeting and, like we’ve outlined in our previous installment of this series, approach the goal of true one-to-one marketing.

It allows us to hyper-personalize, make impressions on high-value prospects, streamline the customer journey, and make major changes to our campaigns on the fly – with the end goal of increasing ROI across the board.

The bottom line is this: there’s a reason “data-driven marketing” makes an appearance in the tagline of so many successful marketing companies.

You don’t have to make it your slogan, but you should make it a priority.

Looking for a way to utilize your data in a tech-based marketing campaign? Contact us to see how we can help.

Tailoring Your Marketing Strategy for Each Customer

We know that marketing is always evolving, but occasionally we overlook the root cause of that change — the customer.

As marketing professionals, it’s our job to understand our customers, their wants and their needs. We need to be equal parts psychologist and salesperson.

Outdated Industry Standards

In the past, our standards for marketing outreach would make most modern marketing professionals balk.

Industry standards were founded on the belief that a “one size fits all” approach to marketing was sufficient for most campaigns.

Later, when personalization became a marketing norm, it was still only surface-level — putting a customer’s name here, adding a relevant detail there — and left little impression on the customers.

Setting New Standards

The marketing of today is setting new standards for the customer experience, particularly in the realm of personalization. We’ve shifted our focus from selling the product to selling value to the customer, and we haven’t stopped there.

Lately, marketers have been getting closer to true one-to-one marketing.

This customer-centric approach (coupled with the goal of true one-to-one marketing) is the impetus of modern-day hyper-personalization as the new standard.


Hyper-personalization is the sum of our data collecting abilities applied to personalized marketing. Using data points such as online purchases, browsing history, location discovery via geofencing, etc., hyper-personalization capitalizes on a fully realized image of the customer to inform high-yield marketing efforts.

These marketing efforts are often manifested as digital advertisements, although hyper-personalization is often used in advanced direct mail campaigns, such as targeting high-value prospects with dimensional mailers.

This granular understanding of a customer not only helps you market directly to the individual in real-time, but also helps inform more general marketing efforts, such as persona-based segmented marketing.

In short, across the board, hyper-personalization is one of the most powerful tools available to marketers today.

Translating to the Customer Experience

It’s important to remember that, although this level of customer understanding is a great tool for sales, it’s an equally valuable tool further down the funnel when it comes to the customer experience.

As we’ll discuss later in this series (The Future of Marketing: The Era of Data), data points can inform the choices we make when it comes to providing customers with things like customized portals, access to our properties via intuitive apps, mobile platforms, and web design.

Interpreting customer data and translating it into the ideal customer experience can be hugely important for more meaningful interactions with our customers, more thoughtful communications, and ultimately, higher levels of customer satisfaction — perhaps the most important component to long-term customer retention.

In Our Evolving Market, the Customer is Always Right

There’s nothing wrong with embracing trends when it comes to business, but when it comes down to it, a successful trend is rooted in the understanding of what a customer wants. Using our technologies to map our customers and segment on a granular level is the future of direct marketing.

You’ll hear it over and over in this series — marketing is evolving and will continue to do so. The market of today is as unforgiving as it is appreciative, embracing the useful and discarding anything less.

The major difference between market evolution now and years past lies in the timing: Where that process used to take months, thanks to our abilities to gather data, we can see the reception of our efforts in real-time.

But fear not: although virtually every aspect of marketing lives and dies by the opinions of our customers, if you listen, the customer will tell you what they want, and as the old adage goes, “the customer is always right”.

Looking to make sure your marketing technology is up to date and on trend? Contact us to see how we can help.

Understanding the Trends Shaping Today’s Marketing Landscape

Welcome to our future of marketing series.

As marketers in this new era, we are no longer selling products and services on a few superficial features, rather we focus on communicating the value of our products in the modern world.

In this four-part series, we’re going to be looking at the outlooks, technology, and some crucial techniques that will shape the way we market to tomorrow’s customer.

From customer outreach to fulfillment, MarTech to data and trends, let’s take a look at what that means for the future of marketing.

Pop the Bubble

With our noses to the grindstone, sometimes we forget to look up.

It’s important to keep tabs on the latest MarTech trends, including:

  • Blending traditional and digital tactics
  • Hyper-personalization
  • Minimalist efficiency
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Advanced access to data

Re-Think “Trend”

More importantly, we must shift our thinking about them. There are two ways to think of “trends”.

It’s tempting to use “trend”, as in something that occupies the cultural climate now but will soon fade into obscurity once the surface-level interest is gone. This sort of subconscious dismissal of new tech is damaging.

A better use of “trend” is the way statisticians use it — to describe a pattern or trajectory. We not only need to embrace trends in our businesses (when it makes sense for us) but make consistent efforts to inform ourselves about them. Think of trends as markers indicative of what may come next.

Identify and Embrace Evolution

Marketing fads used to come and go.

In the past, someone would have an idea, it would gain steam, but once the superficial sheen wore off, it would reveal itself as an empty marketing tactic and fade back into obscurity.

Today, most marketing tactics are heavily vetted by the industries they target — one can be relatively certain that most widely embraced marketing tactics have at least some pith to them.

Despite this, most marketing tactics have a limited shelf life. Why is that?

We’ve shifted towards evolution-based marketing, where techniques and strategies are overtaken consistently by more dominate strategies.

It’s important we look at the waning return as indicative of more powerful tactics when it comes to our marketing. It’s even more important that we seek out those tactics and embrace them as quickly as possible if we want to stay competitive.

And remember: We’re evolving faster than ever.


Arguably the greatest success in contemporary marketing is operational efficiency. When your Marketing Director is forced to micro-manage, minutia ends up distracting from more profitable, big-picture thinking.

MarTech developments have automated many of these tedious processes through:

  • Marketing automation platforms
  • Social media platforms
  • Collaboration tools

All of these (and many others) work as great tools to help your team streamline the day-to-day functions that create drag for your business.

Customers and Personalization

Three things we know about customers and personalization:

  • Every customer is different
  • Every customer wants to feel different
  • Marketing is becoming more segmented and granular

Customers have always wanted this attention to detail. The only thing that has changed is our ability to deliver on that reality and desire. When we couple this desire with ease of execution, personalization now (more than ever before), should be at the crux of your marketing campaign.

The Era of Now

The above are just a few of the things we’ll touch on as the series continues.

The Era of Now is an exciting time, and we’re extremely lucky—right now. We’re collectively witnessing an evolution so remarkable, it will likely prove to be a singular event in the history of marketing.

Our thoughts are bigger than ever, and for the first time, we have the technologies to support them. Contact us today to learn more.

Steps to Smarter Management of Your Marketing Assets

Revitalizing Your Approach to Marketing Asset Management

We’re marketers, which means we’re driven. Ambitious. And big-time optimists. We resolve to kick off each quarter with the projects that got tabled in the last one. However, operational and process improvement projects such as asset management can often take a back seat to those that appear to have a more direct impact on the bottom line.

With the end of the first quarter quickly approaching, now’s the time to bite the bullet and get one of these projects started before it gets pushed to the wayside again. Let’s focus on ways you can improve marketing asset management.

Organizing Chaos – One of Today’s Big Marketing Challenges

As marketers, we’re here to empower our organization to capitalize on all revenue opportunities out there, while leveraging the most value from our marketing budget. Asset management is a critical component to both of these. If you don’t have a handle on your marketing resources, you’re wasting valuable assets, time, money and more than likely operating in a chaotic environment.

In fact, as an IDC survey on Managed Print and Document Services found, the time spent searching for information averages 8.8 hours per week at a cost of $14,209 per employee per year.

Turning Chaos into Conquest – 9 Ways You Can Revamp Your Marketing Asset Management Practices

By adding some basic checkpoints to your marketing practices around Asset Management, you can optimize your marketing resources, improve agility and get your marketing on its way to operating at its highest potential in 2015.

Below are some steps you can take to improve how brand assets are managed, shared and disseminated in your organization.

  1. Discovery: Pinpoint where all of your assets are being stored and how and where they’re being referenced.
  2. Take Inventory: Identify, record and categorize all assets.
  3. Set Standards: Remember, setting guidelines for how your brand is managed is as important as creating brand standards.
  4. Collaborate: Review and brainstorm with your immediate team to identify any gaps in asset inventory and make recommendations.
  5. Implement: Schedule kick off and subsequent meetings, identify who should attend which meetings, and follow-through so you can make all parties accountable.
  6. Avoid TMI: Avoid providing Too Much Information (TMI) when involving multiple stakeholders. Stick to the key points that affect them directly; remember, they likely won’t consider your project their priority.
  7. Consider Asset Management Software: Have a Marketing Resource Management system or similar solution in place at your organization.
  8. Make it Measurable: Be sure you have a way to prove measurable benefits to your VP and/or CMO.
  9. Follow-up: Interview users a few months after implementation to identify what’s working, what’s not and identify areas of improvement.

Looking to improve asset management at your organization, but not sure where to start?

If you have similar challenges but would like an expert’s feedback on how to get started, let us know. We offer over more than 20 years of experience helping organizations improve operations, efficiency and the integrity of their brand.

You are welcome to email us, complete our online request form or call 610-941-6100.