My personal motto: Be honest, be good, work hard, you will get there.

Ali Raddani

Software Developer

Ali is a software developing guru that specializes in bringing the wireframes of UX designers to life through HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. He also has professional experience in using back-end frameworks to build server-side software, and create and integrate databases. Ali is a graduate of Temple University – Go Owls!

My personal motto: Be honest, be good, work hard, you will get there.

When Did You Join Strata?
If You Weren't So Good at Your Job, What Would You be Doing?
Who Are Your Favorite Musical Artists and/or Bands?
What Are Your Favorite TV Shows?
What's Your Secret Talent/Fun Fact?
What's One Thing that You Can't Live Without?

Chief Revenue Officer

Ady Malhotra

Business Specialist

Amanda Conmy