Marketing Partner

A Strata YouTube Channel Original

In one of our recent blogs and its connected YouTube video, we went over the basic ideas behind new mover marketing. Now you may be thinking, what do I do with all this information? The next step is choosing the right new mover campaign partner. It can be overwhelming deciding on a marketing or new mover business that’s right for you to partner with. Luckily, we’ve compiled a list of all the different qualifications you should be looking for in a partner. 

What’s New Mover Marketing Again?

As a quick reminder, new mover marketing is a specified, niche marketing tactic that’s designed to reach new residents in your area. It’s focused on bringing in new customers that have recently entered your target market. Why’s it so important – and furthermore, why does it work? It helps your company make a strong first impression at the same time someone is looking for your service. 

The Qualities that Make a Good Partner

You don’t want to just choose a random new mover partner or even the first one you stumble upon. It’s important to put thought and consideration into your choice, so that you can make the best decision for your business. Make sure your partner has a bit of background on your company and understands your budget, time, size, and end goals. Remember, what you put into your search is what you’ll get out of it.

What if I Still Don’t Know Where to Start?

While you might have tons of information in front of you, deciphering this information and sifting through it all can be difficult and overwhelming. Here are a few things to do to make your search just a bit easier. 

First, figure out the size of your industry, how sales have been, and what goals you want to set. All of this will allow you to pick a business that’s best suited for your type of company. The more information you can collect, the easier it’ll be to compare the strengths and weaknesses of each potential partner. 

Additionally, you’ll definitely want to choose a partner that has a focus on lists and good data. This data should include demographics, psychographics, behavioral, and business-to-business firmographic information. The more specific data you can get, the better you’ll be able to target new movers and bring in more loyal customers!  

While all this might seem like a lot to tackle, it’ll be worth it in the end when you have successful and effective new mover marketing campaigns.  

Next Steps

You now have a baseline of how to choose the right new mover campaign partner for your business, but it doesn’t end there! Be sure to watch the video below, where you’ll hear from Rob, a member of our Strategic Sales Team at Strata. He’ll explain choosing a partner that best represents your business, in a bit more depth. Or, if you’re ready to choose your next new mover campaign partner and think it may be Strata, contact us today. 

Laying Out the Pros and Cons

We know it can be a long process to research, find, and decide on a marketing solutions company that achieves your objectives. We also know that the full package – good data, quality design, excellent messaging, great customer service, mailing and fulfillment, and quantifiable results – is the goal, but not always the outcome. Since we get asked about it from time to time, in this blog, we’re going to cover why you may want to choose to work with a marketing company over a CRM services company who also happens to strategize and launch campaigns. Before you make your decision, give this a quick read. 

Not Always the “Path of Least Resistance” 

First and foremost, although it may appear “easier” to partner with a CRM service to launch your campaigns (because they have access to CRM) – they don’t always have immediate access to other capabilities. For example, they likely don’t have in-house creative design, printing, fulfillment, and mailing, and if they do have some of them – they likely don’t have all of them to execute a turnkey campaign. The main focus of a CRM company is usually just that – customer relationship management. Their key offering is their ability to compile and supply lists – which they may be excellent at doing, but what will they provide in terms of other areas of expertise? 

Because of the outsourced services they use (such as those listed above), CRM companies can’t always make campaign changes on the fly. They’re usually unable to print on-demand, have their artist make quick modifications, make last-minute changes to the mailing process, or most importantly, optimize the campaign based on results, midstream. 

The Marketing Differentiators

So, what’s the alternative? Partnering with a marketing solutions company that offers expertise in everything from implementation to optimization. Marketing companies are often also connected directly to the list compiler, and even more than that, they’re usually more closely if not directly connected to everything else you’ll need and use during the campaign production process – from strategy to printing. Since many if not all of their services are in-house (including design, print production, fulfillment, and mailing), you can always make changes and improvements mid-stream and at rapid speed. They can simply call on their marketing team of strategists, artists, print production associates, and others to change gears, swiftly improving the efficiency of the program while it’s in progress and effectively increasing campaign ROI. 

Additionally, marketing companies focus solely on marketing strategy and production, and the more years of experience under their belts of doing so – the better. Marketing execution is not an add-on to marketing companies. It’s what they do, day in and day out. And the right marketing company will be able to simultaneously execute concurrent campaigns, whether single-touch or many, with corresponding digital to (targeted, specified) customers and prospects. If you’re lucky or do your research, you’ll find a marketing company that also incorporates backend fulfillment, seamless management, granular personalization, and attribution, and will be a team of dedicated experts, creators, innovators, and most importantly, marketers. You get the picture we’re painting. It’s important for a marketer or marketing team to also value and provide quality execution and customer care to every client, and ensure you have the reporting, understanding, and peace of mind you need, with 1:1 attribution, automated data exchange, and a detailed dashboard. 

Next time you’re debating, think through this blog first. Do you just need a simple marketing campaign with CRM first, or do you need a multi-touch, well-focused marketing campaign with accurate, up-to-date lists and quality attribution? 
